
Who am I?

 Who am I?

Part I

I was lying on newspapers in a dark and narrow alley. It was raining and all my clothes were wet. As soon as I opened my eyes my bruises started to send my brain pain signals from all over my body. It was like I fell from a building over and over again by purpose. I should have been unconscious for a while. It is all good but I want to know the answer for an important question…

Who am I?

I raised my arm and started to check all my body. Yes, it was useful to find the most severe pain and it was coming from back of my head. I looked at my hand and relieved when I saw no blood on it. It was hard but I managed to stand up. I took a step to my right, then I stopped and right after that I took one step to my left. Then I had to stop again cause as well as I didn’t know who I am, I also didn’t know where I lived. ‘Yes I am a genius!’ I took a deep breath and told myself ‘Calm down.’ Then I started to check my pockets for a tiny clue. I couldn’t find any ID and I clearly didn’t have any wallet.

In spite of the fact that my head was damaged it was producing clever and fast solutions. ‘I told you. I am a genius!’ I checked my first class coat and found a number attached to my inner pocket. It was good news. Cause, if I had found a product name, I could have bought it from any store but numbers belongs to special designs.

I took a step to a more crowded street and threw myself into the first shop that I found.

“Good day sir.” Whoaw that was a cool. I am talking in a good style and my pronunciation is really great. I must have been taking classes in grammar.  

“Could you please tell me the closest shop which makes their own creations?”

The old man stared at me on top of his glasses by dropping them down to his nose and put down a fabric which he was working on.

“Look around you, young man.” he smiled gently.

Note to self: My brain works fast but I am not careful about tiny details like checking the store I just entered!

“I am in right place then. I know it must be hard for you to tell by just checking my clothes but, can you tell me which designer made this coat and my suit please?” I was tapping my feet on the ground unconsciously.

The old man seemed surprised. He didn’t know anything about my memory issues. Either he was thinking that I was testing him by this challenge or… whatever.

He put his glasses back on and walked close to me.  He started to check intersection parts of fabric and then he checked its look by going a bit far away. He touched the fabric gently with an approval on his face and then he checked the number on the inner pocket. Don’t know why but I knew that he was a professional. Maybe it was because he checked the number last   –which I checked first-

He took a small piece of paper from his desk and wrote an address on it. I felt like I owe the old man big time so I raised my both hands and grabbed his head gently from the sides. Then I took a deep breath and blew the air to his forehead.

Didn’t know why the hell I did that!

It was the weirdest thing I have ever done since I woke up but yet the old man didn’t care about it. He slowly turned his back to me and moved to his desk again. He threw away the fabric he was working on and pulled another one from a shelf. Then he started to work on the new fabric with a new glow in his eyes.

Oh wait a minute. Did I just spoke in Chinese with this old man? Yes I was clearly speaking Chinese and I was good at it. My mind reminded me the first question that appeared in my mind again

Who am I?


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